Friday, July 29, 2011

Sites that Save You Money

I'm cheap and I'm not even a little ashamed to admit it. I hate paying full price for clothes, books and groceries. If I can get stuff online without paying shipping and at a discount - I do the happy white girl dance in front of my computer. (I don't have an ounce of rhythm in my bones so it's pretty funny looking!)

Being single (and constantly trying to make sure I fit into "skinny" jeans), I hardly spent any money on groceries. I went from a tiny food budget to having a grocery bill that fed five people. Needless to say, there were several moments when I stood at the checkout with my mouth hanging open and wondering where all the money had gone.  After watching a very informative news story, it occurred to me that I no longer had to have a weekly heart attack at the supermarket. I could buy things on sale (before we needed them), use coupons and build a stockpile of toiletries and basic foods.

It's very nice to be able to actually afford the bill at the end of the week so I wanted to share my resources with the nice people who are kind enough to read this blog.

  1. : This is the big site. The one that restocks it's printable coupons on the first day of every month.
  2. Redplum : Not as big as but has coupons based on your zip code.
  3. Smart Source : Pretty much the same as Redplum with slightly different coupons. 
  4. Krazy Coupon Lady : This site has a searchable coupon database so when you're running on low on something you can search the brand
  5. Fabulessly Frugal : These gals send daily emails with coupon matching, discounts and helpful articles
  6. : This site is much like Krazy Coupon Lady and also sends emails with daily deals, has contests and lists sites with giveaways.
If you have a baby and you want to save money on formula and diapers:

  1. offers SUPER GREAT DEALS for first time customers. (Check out before you buy though as they have the latest online codes to use.)
  2. - Best deals for diapers that I have found! (And believe me I have looked!)


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