Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spicy Steak Salad

My mission - To explore strange new leftovers, to seek out new foods and new ideas, to boldly go where no wife has gone before... Okay, I admit it I saw the new Star Trek and it rocked.

Putting aside my inner Geek and pocket protector, I've got a new original low carb recipe. This recipe is sort of all in one meal which solves two of my problems - what to do with leftovers and how to make a fast dinner 'cause I don't feel like cookin'.


Leftover flank steak (previously marinated)
3 stalks of chopped celery
1 1/2 sliced avocados
One package of chopped lettuce
Oil and vinegar salad dressing
Shredded Parmesan cheese

Here's what I did:

I took my leftover flank steak and chopped it into small pieces. Chopped up the other veggies and dumped into a bowl. Added lettuce and mixed well. Now if you're not on a low carb diet, you can throw in plenty of other vegetables. Once that's mixed I added the salad dressing and mixed again. Topped with shredded Parmesan and you have an easy dinner in under 15 minutes.

This is a great recipe for summer when it's too hot to turn on the stove or oven.


Megan said...

Hey, I'm looking forward to seeing Star Trek this weekend myself! Looks like a good salad

gluten free pammy said...

just found your blog, cool pics and recipes